I preordered two rolls of Rollei Vario Chrome on the first day and shot one at 320 and the other at 400 iso. I recently started developing a half of a roll when I shoot 35mm. With this one, the first half of the first roll went into dumpster since my chem was exhausted. Pro tip: don’t over stretch photo chemicals☝🏻
Vario Chrome is an interesting film with a creamy look, that actually reminds me Polaroids. I think the Vario part is a little bit tricky since from my experience shooting even 320 in a bright scene would blow out the shot and 400 in a darker scene yields underexposed shots. So I’d say shoot bright scenes at 400 and dark scenes at 200.
I enjoy the results and desperately miss a better scanner since my Epson v600 doesn’t do well with 35mm and of course slides are better projected than scanned, so take my word they look amazing on my slide table 🙂